Comunicare fără granițe! Noi depășim frontierele naționale și barierele lingvistice. Creăm formate globale și trecem de barierele media.




• Comunicate internaționale de presă

• Designul pentru buletinele informative (newsletter)

• Conferințe de presă

• Story telling

• Media internațională de socializare online


O imagine spune mai mult decât o mie de cuvinte:
Imaginile și filmele trezesc emoții, ilustrează textele și potențează mesajul.

Communication for your Business

Strategic Communication and PR for your Business Development

We become acquainted with your product.
We detect diverse application scenarios of your product.
We create stories about some application scenarios with news ability. Consumers of popular media are touched.

We become acquainted with the unique selling proposition of your product.
We create stories highlighting the unique selling proposition of your product. Consumers of special interest media are informed.

We analyze the target group of your product.
We compose a media plan for the purpose of placing your marketing message as close to the reports as possible.


Press work for for towns and regions

We support public sector marketing of your town or region. We are convinced that some approaches are highly sucsessful. Look at our aproach:



Kommunikation für Ihr Business

Strategische Kommunikation und PR für Ihr Business Development

Wir lernen Ihr Produkt kennen.
Wir erfassen die Anwendungsszenarien Ihres Produktes.
Wir kreieren Geschichten über viele nachrichtenwerte Nutzungsszenarien Ihres Produktes. Konsumenten breitenwirksamer Medien werden durch diese Stories bewegt.

Wir erfassen das Alleinstellungsmerkmal Ihres Produktes.
Wir kreieren Geschichten, die das Alleinstellungsmerkmal Ihres Produktes hervorheben. Konsumenten fachspezifischer Medien finden diese Information nützlich.

Wir analysieren die Zielgruppe Ihres Produktes.
Wir erstellen einen Medienplan, um Ihre Werbebotschaft möglichst effizient im Umfeld zur Berichterstattung zu plazieren.




Foissy | International Business Multiplier     call +43 (0) 1 236 12 03    Impressum   AGBs